Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Business Statistics-Research on Mobile Phone in Vietnam-Free Essay

Mobile phone becomes the necessary important thing to everybody in the modern life. Therefore, we want to know what the aspects that everybody concern when buying a mobile phone are. Are the price affected by the other factors? The result brings us many surprises; the gender is not the element has the impact on the price. In this report, we will point out the other significant aspects affect that factor.
Vietnam is the developing country in the world, which is a good place investment for foreign companies or businesses. Therefore, it promotes the competition between many companies.
. One example is the price of mobile phone is decreased but the functions are graded up and have more functions that are modern.
This survey shows that it is a common for a person who prefer buying a mobile phone based on the distributor or outside with lower price. Beside that, the owner took into account many aspects in order to have a satisfied mobile phone and a suitable price.
What could be the basic elements and how much does it influence to decide the changes mobile phone? In addition, one could be interested in to interrelate and interact among those aspects each other.
At the last 5-9 years, Vietnamese people consider as mobile phone is luxury thing with very expensive price. However at the end of 2004, the number of new subscriber increased dramatically 57.82% with 2,462,792 new subscribers. The total subscriber in 2004 is 4,259,411 subscribers (http://vietnamnet.vn/). According to EIU (Economists magazine of UK), they predict there will be 27.4 phones user / 100 Vietnamese people in 2011. Now, the mobile phones network is better and it can be cover all of 62 provinces and cities in Vietnam with many services: GPRS, developing the 3G and push-to-talk services. Furthermore, in 2004 the tax of mobile phones is changed from 15% to 10%, and 10% to 5% (http://www.mof.gov.vn). For all the above advantages, mobile phone becomes one of the most effective tools in communication field. Every body has a phone for many purposes: for assisting in working, for contact with every body, for entertainment with music, games for some helpful function such as: camera, Wireless, GPS.
a. Data collection instrument
We have designed the survey form, which is shown in the appendix. Our survey has 12 questions, which are divided, into three sections. In the first section which includes four questions, we ask people about their personal information such as gender, age, occupation and whether they use mobile phone or not. The second section includes six questions, which ask people some information about their mobile phone. For instance, brand, length of using time, price are considered. In the last section, we want to know what factors people prefer when buying mobile phone such as function, price, camera, etc.
b. Sampling Plan

Nowadays, with the significant development of telecommunication, mobile has become a necessary tools for every one in social life. There are various kinds of phone with different price, functions, design… for different hobbies. Therefore, our survey, which is show the association between the gender or age of owner and the price of the mobile phone, is very useful for referencing.
First of all, our group decides to choose students and staff in RMIT University as our survey’s sample. The reason is it is convenience for us to do the survey, moreover, we can sure that almost student as well as staff here use mobile phone and they are eager to do our survey.
Secondly, we discuss about the method of selecting a sample and the answer is Stratified Random sampling. We divided the sample into 4 groups which is has different characteristic: Staff, Bachelor, HED and English student .The purpose of this is to get the overall opinion not only focus on one style. . Then, we must choose random sampling in male or female, because we can’t choose exactly 50% for each of them. The advantages of Stratified Sampling method are that it is more representative of the population, simple, cheap, quite exactly and logical.
Finally, we begin to hand out our survey, the place that we choose is everywhere in the campus which can help us to accomplish the task, such as labs, ILC, canteen, classroom etc.
And weekday in the morning afternoon from 1 to 5 pm is the suitable time for us to complete because that is the time that most RMIT staff and students present at the school or finish studying so they are able to do the survey quicker and we reduce the sampling error such as coverage error.
c. Data collection Process
There are two types of probabilities of sampling that we use to collect the data:
• Simple Random Sample: it means that the chance of being selected of each individual is equal to one another.
• Stratified Sample: we divided the population into 4 groups which has the same characteristic. Then, we took a sample of each to do analysis.
There are five members in our group. Four members issued the survey and one member had to collect and organize the data. We split into four different areas with four targets: English, HED, Degree students and Staff. For English students, we waited outside the English lab or some English classrooms and asked any students who came out or in these areas. For HED and Degree students, it was much easier because they were everywhere. For Staff, we chose teachers most because they are common in the number of staff. We tried to do the survey on various kinds of people such as age, sex because they are one of the most important parts in our survey and we could reduce sampling error.
 Response rate
We issued 100 surveys and got 100 answers, which meant the response rate is 100%.
 Positive and negative side:
• Positive sides:
Each group has their own characteristics that represent the entire population effectively.
• Negative sides:
The number of RMIT students and staffs is about 3000 but we only took 100 to do the survey, so the sampling error will surely occur which has a significant effect on our results.
Coverage Error: unintended bias collection
d. Analysis Technique:
In this section, we use three kinds of analysis: Univariate, Bivariate and Multivariate.
Univariate analysis: this type is divided into two:
• Descriptive Statistics: to show each question’s results about Central of Tendency, Std Deviation and Frequency Distribution…
• Independent- sample t- test
• Bivariate Analysis: one way ANOVA (Analysis of Variation), this method is used on questions which have more than two options. We also use Chi- square to analyze.
• Multivariate Analysis: Regression Linear is used to show the impacts of factors to price of mobile phone.
5. Analysis
a. Univariate

Question 1:

In this question, we have 51 males and 49 female answer this question. 51 males out of 100 people is about 51% compare with 49% for females.

How gender causes impact on the mobile phone price?

We do the T-Test in order to find out what is the impact that gender. We do the T-Test in order to find out what is the impact that gender make on the price of mobile phone. Base on the statistic chart, we got the Mean- the amounts of money people have to pay in average for having a cell phone. As the result, we can conclude that Male spend more than Female for having a mobile phone with the Mean are 4639411.76 compare with 4147959.18. SD for male is 3942194.522 which means the money male spend for mobile phone is 3942194.522 VND cluster around the mean of 4639411.76 VND. SD for female is 2529533.043 VND, implying the answer scatter around the mean of 4147959.18 VND within the area of 2529533.043 VND.

Question 2:

We asked 100 persons and got 100% response. For people with the ages ’10-20’, we got 38 with 38% valid and the same number for the ages’20-30’. The ages between 30 and 45, 18 response have 18% valid. Moreover, we have just 6% for people over 45 years old.

Descriptive Statistics

The minimum value is 1 which is represent for ’10-20’ and the maximum one is 4, that represent for the age ‘above 45’. The mean is 1.92 that means the average ages fall in people from 10 and 30. The SD shows that the age of people cluster around the mean of 1.92 within the area .895

Question 3: What is your occupation?

In this question, we distribute our member to classify who is the English, HED student, Degree or staff. We got the answers are divided into 25% valid for each occupation.

Question 5:

People who have used mobile phone less than 1 year are 10 persons which have 10% valid. We got 45% valid for 45 people use mobile phone ‘1-3 years’ and the same valid for people have used More than 3 years.

Minimum valid is 1 which represent for people using mobile phone Less than 1 year and the maximum valid is 3 for those using more than 3 years. The mean is 2.35 that mean the average of price of mobile phone fall into two categories ‘1-3 year’ and ‘more than 3 years’. SD is .657 shows that the duration of using mobile phone is distributed around the mean 2.35 within the area is .657

Question 6:

In this question, we listed 6 most popular brand names of mobile phone for people easy to recognize and ‘other’ for another brand. We got back 100% response, the statistic numbers show that Nokia is the best brand which has 45% valid out of 100. Next position is Samsung that has 22% compare with 100%. People choose Motorola as 3rd with 15% valid. Sony Ericsson and other brands have the same position as 4th place with 8 out of 100. Next, LG and Siemens are two brands which people least using with 1% valid.

Question 7:

This question is scale question which requires people tick in numbers with have value from 1 to 10 to show their thinking about the role of mobile phone for their life. The minimum value is 1 which means Not Important, 5 for Normal and 10 for Very Important. The highest value is 8 with has 25% valid. 23 people out of 100 think that mobile phone is extreme important with them. Next, 23% valid is belong to 7. The following positions are belonging to 9 with 11% valid; 5 with 9% compare with 8% valid for number 8. There is just 1 person think that mobile phone is not important at all and 1 rank mobile phone role number 4, both of them have 1% valid.

The mean of this question is 7.81 imply that people consider that mobile phone’s role is important enough with them, SD is 1.739 means the role of mobile phone cluster around the mean 7.81 within the area of 1.739.

Question 8:

69 people think that buying a mobile phone from distribution is safe, quality…with 69% valid compare with 31% valid of buying an outside phone with lower price.

Where you buy your mobile and how it affects to the price of mobile phone?

By doing T-Test, we can come up to some conclusions. If people want to have a good cell phone from excusive distribution, they have to pay more (4479130.43 VND), 4219354.84 VND for those buy mobile phone from outside with no warranty.
SD for distribution is 3267089.791, implying that when you buy the cell phone from Distribution, the approximate money you pay is 3267089.791 VND cluster around the mean (4479130.43 VND). SD for buying outside is 3478234.165 that mean buying the cell phone from Outside, the approximate money you pay is 3267089.791 VND distributes around the mean (4219354.84 VND)

Question 9:

The minimum value for this question is 1 which means Never change their phone, 5 for Sometime and 10 for very often.
We got answer for this question is 1 and maximum value is 8. 31 people out of 100 think that they sometimes change they mobile for some reasons, it has 31% valid. 21% valid for number 3, next place is number 4 with has 14% valid. The following position is 2 with 12% valid. There are 9 people choose number 1 that means they never change their mobile for any reason which has 9% valid. Next are 6 with 6% valid, 8 with just 4% valid and last one is 7 with 3% valid.
Mean is 3.96 which imply that the duration of people fall in two the range between 3 and 4, so people sometime change their phone. SD is 1.729 means the duration of mobile phone cluster around the mean 3.96 within the area of 1.729

Question 11.1:

We have 58 person interested in the function (camera) with 58% valid and 42 people don’t need this function with 42% valid.

Question 11.2:

People seem consider that Internet connection is not necessary, so 82 out of 100 say ‘no’ for this one with 82% valid. There is just 8 people need this function for their mobile phone associated with 8% valid

Question 11.3:

This function got a good result from people; they like to use their phone as a Mp3 music player. 76 persons would like to have this function with 76% valid. 24 out of 100 don’t need this one (24% valid)

Question 11.4:

3 out 4 people were asked say ‘no’ with games and a quarter say ‘yes’, the statistic valid are 75% and 25%

Question 11: Which function that affects to the mobile phone price?
a. Camera

We asked people about do they want to have camera in your mobile phone. For the people say “yes”, they have to pay approximate 4821724.14 VND and 3814285.71 VND for those say “no”, so the people want to have camera in their mobile phone have to pay more ( about 1000000 VND) than those don’t need this function.
b. Internet Connection

This T-Test shows us that if people want to have the internet connection in the mobile phone, they have to pay 6600555.56 VND and just 3915243.90 VND for having no internet connection. The different amount is up to nearly 2600000VND- a big amount. That prove the internet connection is very expensive function.

c. Mp3 music player

Depend on the statistic chart; the numbers of people having the Mp3 music player spend 4170526.32 VND while those don’t use this function have to spend 5120833.33 VND. In this case, it doesn’t mean this function (Mp3 music player) makes the price of cell phone decrease. There are some other reasons: People may use some mobile phones which have no Mp3 music player but they also have the high value because those phone maybe fashionable and luxurious.
d. Games

Base on the result, we can conclude that Games make people pay more. The mean of the mobile phone have no this function is 4174666.67_ which is also the amount of money people spend their phone in VND and 5070400.00 VND for the cell phone which have Games. The different between two mean is around 900000VND, so Games isn’t an expensive function.

Question 12.1:

Depend on the research, we got 19 people think brand is most important with 19% valid. 20 out of 100 (20% valid) ranked it as 2nd place; 7 people consider it number 3 with 7% valid compare with 17% for number 4. People think that brand is not a matter got the highest valid (22%) and the rest one chooses the brand as the lowest aspect when they buy a mobile phone (15%)

According to the analysis chart; mean is 3.48 that imply people thinking about the Brand fall into 3 and 4 valid, they consider that brand is just normal. SD is 1.778 that means Brand cluster around the mean of 3.48 within the area of 1.778.

Question 12.2:

We asked people about how the fashionable aspect important with them, 24 out of 100 thinks that their mobile should be fashionable and has the valid (9%), and 2nd place has 9 persons (9%) compare with 10% valid for 3rd one. The following position 4 and 5 got the same percentages (14%). Number of people don’t think fashionable is important has the highest valid (29%)

Mean is 3.72 that imply people think about fashionable aspect in average. SD is 1.970 means the fashionable aspect scatter around the means within the area 1.970

Question 12.3:

For this question, we got 3% valid for ranking number 1,15 out of 100 people ranked it number 2 (15%).The highest valid (26%) is ranking number 3.We got 20%, 21%, 15% in order for ranking 4 to 6.

Base on the analysis chart, we got mean is 3.86 which show us that the majority of response fall ranking number 3 and 4. The distribution is fluctuated around the mean of 3.86 with the area of 1.393 because SD is 1.393

Question 12.4:

23 out of 100 persons choose function is the most important with them (23%) For ranking number 2, we have the 16% valid and 17% for 3rd place.20 person ranked Function as number 4.the following ranking number 4 and 5 got 14 & 15% valid.

The minimum value is 1 and maximum is 6. Mean is 3.16, implying what people think about the Function fall between 3 and 4. SD is 1.656 that means the Function scatter around the Mean of 3.16 within the area of 1.656

Question 12.5:

In this question, 17 persons consider that Price is most important, 25 out of 100 people ranked the price as 2nd (25%), 23% valid for raking number 3, the 4 and 6 places have the same valid (10%) and 15% valid for the 5th place.

In this chart, mean is 3.11, which is average to this answer. SD is show that the Price cluster around the mean within the value 1.595

Question 12.6:

Base on our research, 14% people ranked Convenience is most important, 15 out of 100 consider it as number 2, number 3 has 17% valid, 19% for 4th place, and 14% for 5th one. There are 21 people think that Convenience is least important with them and it also has the highest valid (21%)

The analysis chart, mean is 3.67 shows that the convenience fall between the 3 and 4 place, implying the average for this answer. SD is 1.712 means the Convenience aspect distribution around the mean of 3.67 within the area of 1.712

b. Bivariate
Q.1: The relationship between the price of the mobile phone and the gender

Group Statistics

H0: M female = M male;
H1: M female ≠ M male

t critical = 1.98 ,t obtained = 0.739 so t |obtained | < t |critical | P critical = 0.05; P obtained = 0.462 so P| obtained| > P| critical|
Base on the statistic chart above, we got t obtained is less than t critical or p obtained is greater than p critical, so applying the Hypothesis testing, we do not reject the Null hypothesis (Ho)
Conclusion: the gender does not affect the price of the mobile phone

Q.2: The relationship between the price of the mobile phone and the age

Ho: M 10-20 = M 20 – 30 = M 30- 45 =M >45;
H1: M 10-20 ≠ M 20 – 30 ≠ M 30- 45 ≠ M >45

How much money does your current mobile phone cost?

F obtained = 1.525; F critical = 2.68 so F |obtained| < F |critical | P critical = 0.05; P obtained = 0.213 so P |obtained| > P |critical|
Based on the above table and comparison, we see that the f critical is lager than the f obtained as well as P obtained and P critical. As a result, we do not reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence that the price is different between the ages.
38 people from 10 to 20 years old as well as 38 people from 20 to 30 years old will buy the cell phone with the minimum price is 1 000 000 VND and the maximum price is 16 000 000 VND. The price of 10- 20 years old scatter around the mean 470421 with the standard deviation is 3808184. And for the price of 20-30 years old, the standard deviation is 3356661 which cluster around the mean of 486579.
18 people from 30-45 years old will spent for their mobile phone from 1 000 000 VND (minimum) to 16 000 000 VND (maximum).the standard deviation 2099859 clusters around the mean of 3333333.
And the final group is above 45 years old, which has 6 people. the price will between 1 000 000 VND to 5 000 000 VND. The mean is 2700000 that is scattered by the standard deviation of 3318467.

Conclusion: the different of ages does not affect the price of the mobile phone

Q.3: Is the price of mobile phone affected by the occupations?

Ho: M English = M HED = M Bachelor = M Staff;
H1: M English ≠ M HED ≠ M Bachelor ≠ M Staff

How much money does your current mobile phone cost?

f obtained = 2.938; f critical = 2.68 so f |obtained| > f |critical |
P critical = 0.05; P obtained = 0.035 so P |obtained| < P |critical Based on the above judgment, we see that the f obtained is lager than the f critical as well as P critical and P obtained. As a result, the null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, there is sufficient evidence that price of the mobile phone is different between the occupation. When doing the survey, we decided that each group will contain 25 people in order to reduce the error to a minimum rate. The first group is English student, the minimum and maximum price they are willing to pay for their current mobile phone is significant different, from 1 800 000 VND to 16 000 000 VND. Moreover, the standard deviation is 3622025 which shows how the data fluctuate around the mean(X bar = 5636000) The second group is HED student, this group also has a large different between the maximum price (15 500 000 VND) and the minimum price (1 000 000 VND) for their current cell phone. The standard deviation 3163571 clusters around the mean 4438000. The next group is the Degree student, the price falls between 1 000 000 VND to 13 560 000 VND, and the mean is 4572400 which is scattered around by the standard deviation 3894948. The final group is staff. The price that they will pay is from 1 000 000 VND (minimum) to 10 000 000 VND (maximum).Moreover, the standard deviation is 1818680 which is show how the value distributed around the mean-2948000. In Conclusion: the price of the mobile phone is affected by the classification of occupations. The reason is most of the student concern about their mobile phone more than the staff that just needs the phone to communication (call, receive a call or send, receive massage).the student represent for the teenager generation ;therefore, they spent more money for the functions, for the fashionable. Q.5: Does the time using the mobile phone have any impacts on the price of it? Ho: M < 1 year = M 1-3 years = M > 3 years
H1: M < 1 year ≠ M 1-3 years ≠ M > 3 years


How much money does your current mobile phone cost?

f obtained = 4.657; f critical = 3.07 so f |obtained | > f |critical |
P critical = 0.05; P obtained = 0.012 so P |obtained| < P |critical | Based on the above finding, we decide to reject the null hypothesis because the f obtained is lager than the f critical as well as P critical and P obtained. As a result, there is sufficient evidence that the time using the cell phone affects the price. Only 10 out of 100 people started to mobile phone within this year. And the price falls from 1 000 000 VND to 8 000 000 VND. The standard deviation-2787277 informs the value scatter around the mean 4065000. Half of the rest people use from 1-3 years. The maximum price for their phone is 12 650 000 VND and the minimum is 1 000 000 VND. The mean-3412222 is clustered around by the standard deviation 2108886. And more than 3 years is the time that the last 45 people use their phone. And the price is falls between 1 500 000 VND to 16 000 000 VND. the standard deviation is 4070677 shows how the data fluctuate around the mean-5459111. In sum, the price of the mobile phone is impacted by the amount of time we use it. This relationship is caused by the knowledge and thought. The more time we use the mobile phone, the more knowledge we understand about it, therefore, the more money we are willing to pay. The one who use mobile more than 3 years are likely to spend more than the others. The reason is they can understand the important role of phone in their lives and they have more knowledge to choose about the function which suitable for their need and it will cost more money. Q.6: The relationship between the price of the mobile phone and the brand which their mobile phone belongs to Ho: M Nokia = M LG = M Samsung = M Siemens = M Motorola = M Sony Ericsson = M others H1: M Nokia ≠ M LG ≠ M Samsung ≠ M Siemens ≠ M Motorola ≠ M Sony Ericsson ≠ M others ANOVA How much money does your current mobile phone cost? f obtained= 1.842 ; f critical = 2.17 so f | obtained | < f | critical | P critical = 0.05; P obtained = 0.099 so we have: P | obtained| > P | critical |
Based on the above table and comparison, we see that the f critical is lager than the f obtained as well as P obtained and P critical. As a result, we do not reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence that the price is different between the brands.
The majority 45 people choose Nokia as their first choice, therefore, the price they willing to pay is very various, from the minimum 1 000 000 VND to 16 000 000 VND. Moreover, the standard deviation is 4274484.339 which represent the data scatter around the mean-5084666.67 within the 4274484.339 value.
The next choice for their mobile phone is Samsung (22 people), however, because of the quickly decreased price, people just buy this brand with the medium rate from 1 000 000 VND to 5 000 000 VND. The mean is 2 956 818.18 which is clustered around by the standard deviation 1239844.024.
The third brand is Motorola which has chosen by 15 people, the price falls between 1000000 VND to 7500000 VND, the standard deviation 1734935.157 fluctuate around the mean 3300000.00.
Other brand which has 8 people chose is Sonny Ericsson and the others like Panasonic, O2…
The Sonny Ericsson price is from the minimum 2 500 000 VND to the maximum 8 000 000 VND has the data scatter around the mean 4662500.00 within 2263333.509 value (the standard deviation).
While the other phone like Panasonic and O2 has the prices fall between 2 000 000 VND to 10 000 000 VND, the mean is 6337500.00 which show the average price they will pay is 6 337 500 VND and the standard deviation is 2932058.029 which show the area that most of the price cluster around the mean.
Moreover, the LG and Siemens brand just has 1 choice; therefore, the figure can say anything.
In Conclusion: there is no relationship between the price of the mobile phone and the brand which it is belong to.

Q7: Is the price of mobile phone affected by the role of it in life?

Ho: µ1 = µ2 = µ3 = µ4 = µ5 = µ6 = µ7 = µ8 = µ9 = µ10
H1: µ1 ≠ µ2 ≠ µ3 ≠ µ4 ≠ µ5 ≠ µ6 ≠ µ7 ≠ µ8 ≠ µ9 ≠ µ10


P obtained = 0.015; P critical = 0.05 so P obtained < P critical F obtained = 6.123; F critical (α, df1, df2) = 3.92 so F obtained > F critical
After doing hypothesis testing; we can se that p obtained is less than p critical and F obtained is greater than F critical, so we reject the Null hypothesis.
And here is the scatter Plot showing the relationship between role and price:

The X value (Horizontal) represents the role of mobile phone and Y value (Vertical) represents the price of mobile phone. As it is shown, we can see clearly that when the role increases, price will go up, too, which tells us that this diagram is positive. Furthermore, the role of mobile phone has a certain effect on the price of mobile phone. Moreover, according to the coefficient analysis table, we give more explanations about relationship between role and price:
Y= 784504.8+ 462752.3 X1
X increases by 1 unit and Y increases by 784504.8 VND
When X=0, Y= 784504.8 VND. It means if role has no effect on price, price will be 784504.8 VND individually.
Conclusion: the role of the mobile phone impacts significantly to price of it. The ways how people think about how important their cell phone is affect to the amount of money they spend on that field.

Q8: Is there any relationship between the price of the mobile phone and the place where you buy it (from distribution or outside)?

Ho: µ distribution = µ outside;
H1: µ distribution ≠ µ outside

P obtained = 0.719; P critical = 0.05 so P obtained > P critical
T critical = 1.96; T obtained = 0.36 so T obtained < T critical The Hypothesis testing show us that the p obtained is greater than p critical or the T obtained is less than T critical, so we do not reject the Null hypothesis (Ho) Conclusion: the price of the mobile phone is not affected by the classification of place buying it. Q9: Does the frequency of changing cell phone impact the price? Ho: µ1 = µ2 = µ3 = µ4 = µ5 = µ6 = µ7 = µ8 = µ9 = µ10 H1: µ1 ≠ µ2 ≠ µ3 ≠ µ4 ≠ µ5 ≠ µ6 ≠ µ7 ≠ µ8 ≠ µ9 ≠ µ10 ANOVA(b) P obtained = 0.006; P critical = 0.05 so P obtained < P critical F obtained = 7.852; F critical (α, df1, df2) = 3.92 so F obtained > F critical
The factor that also affects the price is the length of using phone which means that how often people change their mobile phone. When people change mobile phone, they tend to buy a more expensive one than the previous
We use Hypothesis testing to test whether the frequency of changing mobile phone cause impact on he price of cell phone or not. Because the p obtained is less than p critical and F obtained is more than F critical, so we reject the Null Hypothesis (Ho) that means the frequency of changing the cell phone affect the price the cell phone.
Moreover, we also do the regression analysis to prove our conclusion. This diagram below will show clearly about the change in price when considering frequency of changing phone:


As we can see, this diagram also shows positive side, which tells us that the two valuables have certain effects on each other. In addition, we use the regression
Y= 2328188 + 462752.3 X2
It is shown that when X (change frequency) goes up by 1 unit, price (Y) will also increase by 462752.3 VND and if X= 0, Y = 2328188 VND
Generally, we can point out a common thing about relationship among Price and role and Length of use. If Y is the cost of mobile phone, X will be the role or Length. When X increases, Y will probably increase, too.
Conclusion: the frequency of changing cell phone affects the price a lot. How often they change the mobile phone is the aspect which causes impact on the price of mobile phone. The more times they change their phone, the more money they have to spend.

Q11: The relationship between the price of the mobile phone and the functions of it (Camera, Internet connection, MP3 music player, Games)?

Q11.1: Price VS camera function:

Ho: µ camera = µ Price;
H1: µ camera ≠ µ price

P obtained = 0.135; P critical = 0.05 so P obtained > P critical
T obtained = 1.508; T critical = 1.96 so T obtained < T critical The hypothesis testing prove that the function camera doesn’t cause any impact on the price of mobile phone because p obtained is greater than p critical and the t obtained is less than t critical. Conclusion: the price of the mobile phone is not affected by the categorization of function: Camera. Q11.2: Price VS Internet connection: Ho: µ Internet Connection = µ Price; H1: µ Internet Connection ≠ µ price P obtained = 0.002; P critical = 0.05 so P obtained < P critical T obtained = 3.256; T critical = 1.96 so T obtained > T critical
After doing the hypothesis testing; we can give the conclusion that the function_ Internet connection causes a significant influence on the mobile phone price.
Conclusion: the price of the mobile phone is influenced by the categorization of function: Internet connection. Recent research prove that which phone has this function is always more expensive than others, so if people want to use this function, they have to pay more.
Q11.3: Price VS MP3 music player:

Ho: µ Mp3 music player = µ Price;
H1: µ Mp3 music player ≠ µ price

P obtained = 0.223; P critical = 0.05 so P obtained > P critical
T obtained = -1.226; T critical = 1.96 so T obtained < T critical The hypothesis testing show that the p obtained is greater than p critical and T obtained is less than T critical, so the Mp3 music player doesn’t make any impact on the price of the mobile phone. Conclusion: the price of the mobile phone is not impacted by the categorization of function: MP3 player. Q11.4: price VS Games: Ho: µ Games = µ Price; H1: µ Games ≠ µ price P obtained = 0.244; P critical = 0.05 so P obtained > P critical
T obtained = 1.171; T critical = 1.96 so T obtained < T critical After doing Hypothesis testing, we reject the Null hypothesis (Ho) because P obtained is greater than P critical or T obtained is less than T critical, so it means the Function doesn’t affect to the price. Conclusion: the price of the mobile phone is not affected by the categorization of function: Camera. Q12: Factors people take into consideration when buying mobile phones: This section analyses factors that people take into consideration when they buy mobile phones. Respondents were asked rank the following features from 1-6: brand name, fashionable phone, size of the phone, function, price and convenience. Please note that the scale of 1 represents taking high consideration, whereas 6 means taking low consideration. When you choose a mobile phone, what do you consider? Brand When you choose a mobile phone, what do you consider? Fashionable When you choose a mobile phone, what do you consider? Size When you choose a mobile phone, what do you consider? Function When you choose a mobile phone, what do you consider? Price When you choose a mobile phone, what do you consider? Convenience On the scale of 1 to 6, we consider 1-3 as considerable and 4-6 as less considerable. The ranking, derived from the above six tables, is reorganized as follow. It can be seen from the above table that, when making a decision to buy a new mobile phone, people consider price of the most important factor, followed by functions. Based on the ranking, we analyse whether people who pay for certain features pay for mobile phones at different price. An independent sample T-test was used as follows. (We just show which factor cause impact on the mobile phone price) Cost of mobile phone VS price factor Group Statistics **t (Obtained) = -4.834, p (obtained) = 0.000. HO: µ of money spent by people who take price into consideration = µ of people who don’t H1: The above two are not equal Since T (Obtained) of 4.834 is greater than T (critical) of 1.96 at 5% level of significant, the null hypothesis is rejected. This means that people who consider price as an important factors in making decision to buy mobile phone are likely to pay less than those who don’t think that price is an important factor. In other words, price conscious consumers are likely to buy cheaper mobile phones. Cost of mobile phone VS Brand name Group Statistics **t (Obtained) = 1.893 and p (obtained) = 0.61. Ho: µ of money spent by people who take brand name into consideration = M of those who don’t H1: The above two are not equal Since T (obtained) of 1.893 is greater T(critical) at 1.64 at .10 level of significant, the null hypothesis is rejected. People who take into consideration brand name are likely to pay more n mobile phone than those who don’t. This implies that people who pay attention a certain brand name when they buy mobile phones are likely to spend more money. Cost of Mobile Phone VS Fashion Group Statistics **t (Obtained) = 2.808 and p (obtained) = 0.006. Ho: µ of money spent by people who buy mobile phones based on fashion = µ of those who don’t H1: The above two are not equal. Because t (obtained) of 2.808 is greater than t (critical) at 1.96, we reject the hull hypothesis. People who buy fashionable mobile phones are likely to spend more money than those who don’t care about fashion. To sum up: there are three significant factors that influence how much money people spend on buying mobile phones. Those are price of the phone, brand name and fashion. People who are price conscious are likely to pay less than those who are not. People who look for a certain brand name are likely to pay higher than those who don’t care about brand. Those who look for fashionable phones are likely to pay higher than people don’t pay attention to fashion. 6. Chi- Square Test Chi-Square Tests a 6 cells (50,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is ,60. Ho: the age impacts on the time using mobile phone H1: the age doesn’t impact on the time using mobile phone Since X2 obtained = 21.397 is greater than X2 critical = 12.592 as well as P critical and P obtained (0.05 > 0.002), we reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, there is sufficient evidence to conclude that the age is one of the factors that impact on the time using mobile phone. We can notice on the above tables that the older you are, the longer you use mobile phone. We can easy accept this issue because the more age we have, the more important we understand about the telecommunication, therefore, we need tools such as computer, mobile phone to support our lives.

a .15 cells (71,4%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is, 10.

Ho: the duration using mobile phone affects the brand of the phone
H1: the duration using mobile phone doesn’t affect the brand of the phone

Based on the table, the P obtained =0.031 smaller than P critical =0.05 as well as X2 critical and X2 obtained (21.026 < 22.605), therefore the null hypotheses is rejected. There is sufficient evidence that the brand of the phone is affected by the duration using mobile phone. People who start to use mobile phone always choose a safe way for their phone like choose the brand has a well known reputation such as Nokia and Samsung, Sony Ericsson. Moreover, Nokia is the first choice for the one who use mobile phone from 1 to 3 years because of its stable price. However, for more than 3 years using mobile phone, they are the one that have a good knowledge and confident to choose the phone which is suitable for their habit, therefore, the brand is more various, such as ATC and O2 . To sum up, the brand that the cell phone belongs to is influenced a lot by the time using, 7. Multivariate analysis: In this section, we will point out 4 factors that can affect significantly the price of the mobile phone: Coefficients (a) a. Dependent Variable: How much money does your current mobile phone cost? To analyze this, we use Sample Regression Function (SRF): Y= b0+ b1 Xi Y is the dependent variable which represents the price of mobile phone Xi is independent variable which represents role, duration and age. Y= b0 + b1 role+ b2 Duration+ b3 age+ b4 gender When X=0 which means those factors have no effect on price, Y is equal to 2609594.938 VND. In addition, we compare the effects of those four factors to price to see whether they have effects or not. Firstly in the role of the mobile phone: P obtained = 0.082 is less than P critical =0.05, as a result the null hypothesis is rejected and there is sufficient evidence that the role is the factor impact the price of the phone. Y= 2609594.983+ 328079.098X1 When X1 increases by 1, Y will increase by 328079.098 VND. This is clear that the more important the role is, the more people will pay for their mobile phone. So role has a significant effect on price. If X=0, Y will be 2609594.983, meaning when role has no effect on price among three factors, price will be equal to 2609594.983 VND Secondly is the duration changing mobile: X2, P obtained = 0.01 is equal to P critical =0.01, as a result we reject the null hypothesis. Y= 2609594.938+ 496584.371X2 If X2 increases by 1, Y will increase by 496584.938 VND. In conclusion, when people change mobile phone more frequently, price will also be affected. Changing mobile phone means that people want their phone to be more modern or having more functions, so price will go up according to some factors. Moreover, if we assume that frequency of changing phone has no concern with price, it will become 260.9594.983 VND Finally is the age: X3, P obtained = 0.025 is less than P critical =0.05, as a result the null hypothesis is rejected. Y= 2609594.983+ 808115.649X3 If X goes up by 1 unit (10 years old), Y will rise by 808115.649 VND, If X=0, this also leads to the value of Y as 260.9594.983 VND From this result, we can see that when age increases by 10 years, price will probably rise by 808115.649 VND, a large amount of money. In conclusion, all the above three factor has a strong influence on the price however the age has the most significant effect on price among three factors. To explain this, we look at the fact that from the lowest interval of age (10 to 20), people from this interval are often students, they don’t have much money to buy an expensive phone. But when they are older, they get a job; they have more money so they will surely pay more for their belongings especially mobile phone. 8. Self- Critism In our group project, the hypothesis testing ,regression, chi-square are the most effective and helpful analyzing tools that help us to show the relationship between prices of the mobile in Vietnam with the other factors that affect this feature. It’s a first time we do this project with survey so that we cannot avoid getting errors. Especially from sample errors, its difference between the very small population (RMIT university) and a huge sample (Vietnam) become a definitely factors effect the fault. For example, the average gender and price of their phones of in RMIT University include: student with HED, English, Degree and staff with teacher, receptionist (Sample mean) is different from the average gender and price of their phone in Vietnam (Population mean). Firstly, all of the people I survey have valuable mobile phones. The average price of their mobile phones will be higher than the Vietnamese people. Some of them have 2 phones for different purposes, so they choose the better phones to give us information. Secondly, the student and receptionist may be not doing the survey honest because they busy with their jobs. It’s funny that I ask a design student the cost of his phones and I receive the answer that: it cost him a lot of time and effort in designing this specific phones. With him, it’s invaluable. Or a student answered that his mobile was worth billion. Moreover, it’s hard to have exactly answered in the ranking question. It can’t be perfect. For example that: many people using phones for taking pictures and listening music. They can’t decide which one is more important. Or, they can’t decide the role of phones in their life: may be its 5 (average) or 6, 4 (a little bit important or not). Thirdly, because the prices of phones are decrease regularly, it’s hard for them to have exactly price. Furthermore, some people gave us the price of their phones when they buy it new from the seller for a long time ago; it’s not exactly the price in recent time. The other people give us the price when they buy second hand from the others people. It’s also a problem with the origin of their phones, some people can’t know exactly about it because it’s a gift from the other people. It become complicated in having an exactly answer. 9. Conclusion By using different statistic technique, the report can satisfied This report used a survey technique to show the association between the gender or age, and the price or functions of the mobile phones people in Vietnam use. Using different statistic technique, the results have shown that the price of the mobile phone is affected by:  Classification of occupations  The amount of time we use it  The role as well as the frequency of changing your cell phone  The Internet Connection function,  Element about price and Fashion Moreover is the association between many aspects around the price such as age, gender with the duration as well as the brand of mobile phone. This report can become a decision-making process to help us in deciding what the mobile phone they should choose depending on the price to purchase, the brand and the functions. Furthermore, this report can be useful information for Mobile Phones Company and supplier to have information about the Vietnamese people and market to have good strategy for investment. 10. APPENDIX: Survey The mobile phone in Vietnam Method: Selecting a sample and stratified random samples. Team 01, Group Sta4 We are a group of students doing a research on the mobile phone and show the association between gender or age, and the price or functions of the mobile phones people in Vietnam use. Would you please help us to complete our project in Statistic subject because your feedback is very important for us. You can stick more than one answers, fill in the blank, and rank from 1- most consider to 6 – less consider. We thank you for participating in our survey. 1) What is your gender? 1.  Male 2.  Female 2) How old are you? 1.  10-20 2.  30-45 3.  20-30 4.  Above 45 3) What is your occupation? …………………………………………………………. 4) Do you use mobile phone? 1.  Yes 2.  No (If Yes – continue to answer) 5) How long have you been using your mobile phone? 1.  Less than 1 year 2.  1-3 years 3.  More than 3 years 6) Which brand does your mobile phone belong to? 1.  Nokia 2.  LG 3.  Samsung 4.  Siemens 5.  Motorola 6.  Sony Ericsson 7.  Others: (Please write specific your answers) …………………………………………………… 7) What do you think about role of mobile phone? Not important Normal Very important ├─────────────────┼─────────────────┤ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8) Do you prefer buying a mobile phone from the distributors or outside with lower price? 1.  Distribution 2.  Outside 9) How often do you change your mobile phone? Never Sometimes Very often ├─────────────────┼─────────────────┤ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10) How much money does your current mobile phone cost? ( fill in the blank ) ………………………………………………………… 11) Which functions are you interested in when buying a mobile phone? (You can stick more than one) 1.  Camera 2.  Internet connection 3.  Mp3 music player 4.  Games 12) When you choose a mobile phone, what do you consider? (Rank from 1 – most consider to 6 - less consider) 1.  Brand 2.  Fashionable 3.  Size 4.  Function 5.  Price 6.  Convenience Thanks for your corporation.  Reference list • Dinh Hang 2004, Vietnamnet, http://vietnamnet.vn/cntt/vienthong/2004/12/358232/ , viewed at 15/09/2007. • Thong Tan Xa Vietnam 2007, EIU Information, http://www.baokhanhhoa.com.vn/Kinhte-Dulich/2007/07/227373/, viewed at 15/09/2007. • Hoang Anh 2004, Magazine of Vietnam Economic, http://www.mof.gov.vn/Default.aspx?tabid=82&ItemID=16629 , viewed at 15/9/07 Original source: Grab Your Example Essays Now

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